Our Values

Mine to you
Here at Broken River Mining we love sharing our mine to market journey with you. We are proud to be opal miners and cutters that use traditional techniques to find, block, cut and polish all our opal gemstones and opal specimens. For us gemstone traceability is easy, because it is all done by us, for you! That is why with every boulder opal purchase, you receive a location card with the GSP coordinates of where your opal came from and who mined it (spoiler - it will be Sue).

Honesty & Integrity
Let’s be honest - buying opals can be intimidating, complicated and confusing. We want it to be a lot simpler and less stressful. Even FUN and exciting! We are passionate about providing not only the best Australian boulder opal gemstones and specimens on the market, but also the best online experience, value, knowledge and customer care. If you have a question, just ask us! Xandy & Sue.
Environmentally conscious
At Broken River Mining, we are committed to being environmentally conscious company. We use environmentally responsible procedures to mine and process all BRM opals, working small sections of land at a time. All our opal mining is small scale, which minimises our environmental impact. We have a maximum of three people on site during our opal mining season. When opal mining we set up and use rainwater tanks and solar power because we are off-the-grid. Then, when we have completed a mining a section (this may take months or years), we rejuvenate the land with native seeds, local to the area.